0.8 acres in Davidson County, North Carolina
Contact for price
- Property type: Land
- Offer type: Sold!
- State: North Carolina
- County: Davidson County
- City: Thomasville
- Property size: 0.8 acres
- RVing
North Carolina
0.8 acres in Davidson County, North Carolina
This property is a great location to build your home. It is in a high-growth area with shopping nearby. Beautiful property in Davidson county.
Walmart Supercenter- 8 mins drive
East Davidson High School- 2 mins
Fairgrove Elementary School- 5 mins
Baseball park- 2 mins
Barbeque place- 5 mins
Distances to cities:
Holly Point- 20 mins
Holly Grove- 10 mins
Lexington- 17 mins
Silver Valley- 12 mins
GPS coordinates:
35.8339103109434,-80.1007690635028 (front corner)
35.833941, -80.101426 (front corner)
35.833694, -80.101108 (middle of property)
35.833510, -80.101142 (center back of property)
- Water Lines
- Electric
- Telephone
- Water Lines
Mortgage Options
- Owner Finance
- Water
- Owner Finance
- ID: 4027
- Views: 1445